Brain Health Training: A Holistic Approach to Optimize Mental Fitness

Many recommendations are coming out to help us cope with this radical change in our lives. These suggestions are helpful, but some of the lists are overwhelming and difficult to implement.

Creativity and humor from the resilient human spirit are emerging out of this novel situation as constructive coping mechanisms, but in my opinion, a simple daily practice would also be immensely helpful to many, including myself. So, I set out to find one.

I believe a holistic approach to leveraging our mental capacity is extremely timely. One of the best theoretical models I have come across for overall mental fitness is called the Healthy Mind Platter. It is a concept that has tremendous potential in these difficult times. While establishing it now is needed, it will continue providing benefits beyond this crisis to help address the increasing overwhelm we were experiencing before the pandemic. This won't be the last challenge we face. So here it is:

Healthy Mind Platter the ideal diet for the brain

Utilizing a neurobiological perspective, Dr. Dan Siegel and Dr. David Rock developed a set of everyday activities to optimize human performance and well-being. Similar to the healthy-food pyramid, seven essential mental activities were identified:

Neurocognitive Activities that should be “consumed” every day

In times of crisis leveraging the mind, our most powerful human asset is essential. So come geek out with me and...

Explore the art of crafting your mind.

Focus: when we focus closely on tasks in a goal-oriented way, taking on challenges that make deep connections in the brain. (attention management is required for optimal performance. In other words...NO Multitasking!

Play: when we allow ourselves to be spontaneous or creative, playfully enjoying novel experiences, which helps us make new connections in the brain (The joy of experimenting with life and channeling our inner child)

Connection: when we connect with other people ( ideally in person). This can also be done by taking time to appreciate our connection to the natural world around us, or to a world bigger than we are, richly activating the brain’s relational circuitry (the healing power of relationships )

Physical exercise: when we move our bodies, aerobically if medically possible, which strengthens the brain in many ways (improving the brain’s plasticity through exercise)

Think:  when we quietly reflect internally, focusing on sensations, images, feelings, and thoughts, helping to better integrate the brain, (Reflection, attunement, mindfulness)

Relax: when we are unfocused, without any specific goal, and let our mind wander or simply relax, which helps our brain recharge (disconnecting for integration and insight)  

Sleep: when we give the brain the rest it needs to consolidate learning and recover from the experiences of the day (refreshing mind and body and consolidating memory)

Nourish: the brain has a unique composition and consumes more energy than the rest of the body. Incorporating brain-boosting nourishment fosters the ability of the mind to operate, sustain rigorous thought, and restore its processes.

Each of these activities needs space in our daily mental diet in order to achieve optimal mental health and performance. The trick is how to organize them into a routine that works well for each individual based on their own situation, career, family, age, needs, and demands.

I would like to suggest that, like most diets, several things need to be in place for success.

Basic Utensils

  • Plan: a goal without a plan is just a wish!

  • Log: a system to monitor progress.

  • Accountability: a partner and/or coach.

  • Network of Support:  collaboration (family, social media group, a circle of friends)

  • Simple Small Steps: the creation of simple habits that stick and elevate over time.

  • Awareness: know that these changes will require work and may be uncomfortable at first. 

  • Commitment: Commit for at least 30 days

Simply engaging in these activities and testing out the results yourself is completely doable. But to truly leverage optimal mental performance, it helps to understand the nuances of why each of these activities is so important individually in order to prioritize and plan how to implement them.

I have been studying neuroscience and its application in the real world for decades. I have met some of the greatest minds in these areas of research. My goal is to support your understanding of how it works from those who devote their lives to studying the brain. Combined with results from a 30 million dollar research project based on 32 instructional frameworks and a survey of 15,000 CEOs in 60 countries and 33 industries, I created the FITBRAIN framework.

My mission is to empower your mind to live your best life in the worst and the most wonderful days ahead. In times of crisis leveraging the mind, our most powerful human asset is essential. So come geek out with me and...

Explore the art of crafting your mind.

Agile Intellect is the namesake for a reason.

I founded this company with the volatility of the world in mind.

A brain-healthy lifestyle creates measurable transformation.

This 8 Key Framework creates the scaffold

Habit hacks make it sticky

The Spiral Method allows this lifestyle to grow over time.

Because the power of the mind is limitless when you simply begin the journey!

Want to learn more or need a personal guide?  

A limited number of coaching spots are available.

It would be my honor to help.  

For a free discovery call, click here.

Subscribe here for more tips on how to foster your mind.


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