Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

Say What? Brain benefits of learning another language at ANY age

“He who knows no foreign languages knows nothing of his own.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Ever thought learning a new language is only for children?

Think again! Your brain's capacity for language acquisition might surprise you.

Adults can master new languages just as well as children, though through different cognitive strategies.  Learning a second, or fourth language as an adult has tremendous cognitive benefits.

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

Choose your Hard Wisely

Ever feel like you're working non-stop but not hitting your goals? It's time to rethink what "hard work" means! In this blog, I challenge the traditional interpretations and explore how the brain responds to different types of efforts.

📈 Whether you're an entrepreneur, knowledge worker, or creative, this edition aims to broaden your understanding of hard work. Learn how to work smarter, not harder.

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

Brain Buzz: the benefits of coffee for brain health

Good news, Coffee-lovers! Whether you're a full-fledged coffee aficionado or just need that morning boost, savoring coffee is not only a treat for your palate but also a boost for your brain. While researching the health implications, I learned how drinking just two to three cups of coffee daily not only enhances brain health, but longevity, and disease prevention. Read about the dedicated farmers and innovative minds making waves in the coffee industry. Whether you're a coffee connoisseur or just need your daily dose, grab a cup to enjoy and take a moment to read more.

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

The Sound of Silence: Understanding the Impact of Noise Pollution on Brain Health

In our relentless quest for industrial advancement and urban sprawl, we've inadvertently created a cacophony of background noise that permeates nearly every aspect of our daily lives. From the roar of traffic to the constant hum of city life, noise pollution has emerged as a silent threat to our physical and mental well-being. 🌍🔊

In this article, I explore the profound impact noise pollution has on brain health and overall wellness, revealing the unseen dangers lurking in our noisy environments. I also provide practical steps you can take to protect yourself and advocate for quieter communities. Join me in understanding and combating this pervasive issue for a healthier, more serene world. 🌿👂

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

Unveiling the Power of Lifestyle Over Genetics in Preventing Depression

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, prioritizing mental health often takes a backseat. However, as Mental Health Month reminds us, taking proactive steps towards improving our mental well-being is not just important—it’s essential. Recent insights from a comprehensive UK Biobank study shed light on how our daily choices, from diet and exercise to sleep and social interactions, significantly impact our mental health, potentially outweighing genetic predispositions.

Read more to delve into how simple lifestyle adjustments can drastically reduce our risk of depression, and discuss why this information is more than just advice—it's a call to action.

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

Easily Triggered: How Trauma Reshapes the Brain

Navigating workplace dynamics can be challenging, especially when colleagues may be dealing with hidden struggles such as PTSD. Imagine sitting in a meeting where suddenly a loud noise—like a book slamming—triggers a colleague, causing them to freeze or react unexpectedly. Or consider a co-worker who seems overly reactive to seemingly minor changes or feedback, their stress response dialed up by past traumas. These scenarios are not just hypothetical; they happen every day in workplaces around the world.

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

The Healing Embrace of Nature: Discovering Mental Restoration in Hawaii's Landscapes

In today’s digital age, where screens dominate our lives and urban landscapes often disconnect us from the earth, rekindling our bond with nature has become more crucial than ever.

From the harmonious calls of wildlife to the deep-rooted cultural practices of the Hawaiians, these natural interactions are not just soothing but are scientifically proven to enhance cognitive function and emotional well-being. Whether you’re a nature enthusiast, a professional seeking solace from the urban rush, or anyone in between, this piece sheds light on practical ways to integrate nature's healing power into your daily life.

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

The Long Goodbye: Navigating the Rising Threat of Dementia

Dementia is a subject close to our hearts yet often shrouded in uncertainty and fear. With millions worldwide navigating the complexities of this condition - either personally or alongside a loved one - my focus is to shine a light on the path forward, offering hope, knowledge, and actionable insights. This blog is dedicated to my Aunt Jean, who has finally found peace this week after a battle with dementia lasting over a decade.

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

Leading High Performing Organizations

“The empires of the future are the empires of the mind.”- Winston Churchill

Leaders in the modern business landscape are not just figures of authority but visionaries who understand the intricate dance between strategy and the human element. This blog touches on the five top tips for leading high-performing organizations.

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

Agile Challenge: Show up, Engage, and Silence your Inner Gremlin

In today's fast-paced world, agility isn't just a nice-to-have; it's a fundamental necessity for both personal and professional growth.

Yet, how often do we find ourselves shackled by the voice in our heads? That pesky gremlin that whispers, "You can't," "You shouldn't," or "What if you fail?"

It's time to mute that voice and amplify our innate potential.

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

Hydration Hacks: Keeping your Brain at Peak Performance

Why Water Should Be Your Go-To Co-Pilot

🧠 Imagine your brain as the high-powered executive of your body, overseeing countless tasks with precision.

💧 Now, picture water as its indispensable assistant, ensuring everything runs smoothly. Just as a 2% drop in body hydration can lead to a significant decrease in performance in machines, the same applies to our brains - affecting mood, memory, and concentration.

The science of sip: hydration is crucial for maintaining cognitive function, making it easier to switch between roles seamlessly, from a nurturing parent to a sharp-minded professional.

Adopt any or all of the following seven strategies for seamless hydration

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

You are what you eat, but also how much you Sleep...

Understanding the dance between sleep and what you eat is crucial in choosing what you consume and when. It turns out, that all the effort you put into healthy living may be pillaged by the lack of pillow time.

On a diet? Insufficient sleep will kick your body into survival mode and 70% of those pounds you lose will come from lean muscle, not the fat you are trying to burn.

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

Sleep and Social Jet Lag

As we approach World Sleep Day on March 15, it's essential to shed light on a phenomenon that affects many of us: social jet lag.

Social jet lag refers to the difference between our internal biological clock and our social or work schedules, similar to the effects of jet lag from traveling across time zones.

Inconsistency in your sleep routine can really throw you for a loop.

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

Neurodiversity: Celebrating Natural Variations in the Workplace

One of the most powerful attributes of our mind is its uniqueness paired with the innate ability to specialize. Neurodiversity is a concept that celebrates the natural variations in the human brain. Based on the idea of biodiversity, it is recognized that we need diversity in our culture to not only survive, but to thrive. “At its most fundamental level, neurodiversity refers to the diversity in cognition, emotion and sensory perception that we in Psychology would normally term ‘individual differences’.” (Nancy Doyle)

In all honesty, we all are neurodiverse in some way

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

Boosting Productivity and Beating Burnout with "The Decision Diet"

"The Decision Diet" isn't just a catchy concept; it's a neurologically informed strategy for enhancing productivity and overcoming burnout. By understanding how our brains navigate decisions and implementing a mindful approach to decision-making, we can optimize our cognitive resources, boost our overall well-being, and cultivate a more resilient mindset.

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

Honor your Inner Valentine

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. - Unknown Author

I have this quote hanging in my kitchen as a reminder. It is so easy to take time and those closest to us for granted, notwithstanding our health.

Give yourself the ultimate valentine's gift of time spent celebrating your own beautiful mind and its ability to connect with those you love.

Your mind is your greatest asset, but it relies on you to utilize it well and make it’s health a priority.

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

The Mental Bandwidth Shortage

Modern life has taken a toll on our mental bandwidth.

Among other things, the cost of facing so many decisions in daily life has left us on the knife edge of exhaustion. Decision fatigue is common which curtails our ability to plan, set goals, and handle distractions.

On average, an American adult makes 35,000 decisions per day (Sollisch).


That seems impossible, right? But let’s think about this.

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

Shifting from Goal-Setting to Goal-Achieving

Brainstorm and set goals for the new year…Check!

Create a time management system that organizes your time efficiently…Check!

Factor in knowledge of common brain biases that impact planning…Check!

Now it’s time to get going. But how do I prioritize my actions without overthinking?

How do I narrow down the “all-inclusive” brainstorm list?

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

Prioritizing Mental Energy Strategically

Prioritizing mental energy is a goal-slaying goldmine.

The excitement and motivation associated with setting new year's resolutions are intoxicating.

So, why do we suddenly feel our momentum slow?

Pursuing those goals becomes more challenging as that rush of dopamine dips, and your motivation dips right along with it. Mental overload is kicking in from the process of planning, which involves making numerous decisions. Given the brain’s innate biases, using effective time management systems to simplify can create sustainable and healthy work practices and diminish mental fatigue.

The scaffold of a resilient system begins with big picture thinking.

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

Planning Fallacy: what to know about the brain when planning for the year ahead

The New Year is off with a bang, and once again we have a fresh new calendar year ahead. Vision board parties and resolutions are plentiful, but in reality a full 43% of people expect to fail at their New Year’s resolutions before February. As it turns out, only 9% of people succeed with their efforts to start fresh in the New Year.

So, why is it so difficult? Planning fallacy plays a large role.

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