Does your brain take vacation days?

In my work as a neuroeducator, I come across stories about our miraculous mind that fire my curiosity. Every week, I share my thoughts about how to work smart to amplify your organic potential, develop a growth mindset, and foster your brain health. I hope you enjoy them! (scroll down to read more)

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The mind is a powerhouse. So why does it feel like your brain has taken a sabbatical?

Your amazing brain is made of approximately “100 billion microscopic cells called neurons—so many it would take you over 3,000 years to count them all.  Whenever you dream, laugh, think, see, or move, it's because tiny chemical and electrical signals are racing between these neurons along billions of tiny neuron highways.” 

But, honestly do you ever walk into a room and wonder why you are there?  You KNOW that you came in for a specific purpose but for the life of you, can’t remember?

This brilliant mind seems to have short-circuited and suddenly you

  • Have trouble comprehending a concept or learning something new

  • Know you know the word, but can’t remember it

  • Forget details that used to be so easy to recall

  • Get derailed from your task like a dog that sees a squirrel

  • Just can’t seem to focus

  • Have the attention span of a gnat

The most important executive you have has just taken a vacation right out of your head!

What is going on?

All sorts of possibilities go through your mind. Am I losing my edge? Do I have Zoom meeting fatigue? Or is it something more serious, like the beginning of dementia?

What you are experiencing is most likely brain fog.  

Jessica Caldwell, Ph.D., a neuropsychologist and the director of the Women’s Alzheimer’s Movement Prevention Center at Cleveland Clinic. “It’s tempting to think that brain fog won’t happen until you’re much older, but I see it in so many patients at every age—and stress is a known trigger,” she says.

Many factors can contribute to brain fog like overworking, lack of sleep, too much screen time, lack of exercise, poor nutrition, hormone changes from menopause or pregnancy, medical conditions, and even certain medications.

Here are some strategies you can take to reduce or alleviate brain fog:

  1. Get Adequate Sleep: Ensure you get enough good-quality sleep each night. Sleep is essential for your brain to function at its best.

  2. Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can lead to brain fog. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your brain and body well-hydrated.

  3. Eat a Balanced Diet: Consume a nutritious diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Avoid excessive sugar and processed foods.

  4. Manage Stress: Practice stress-reduction techniques like meditation, deep breathing, or yoga to help clear your mind.

  5. Regular Exercise: Physical activity can improve blood flow to the brain and boost mental clarity.

  6. Limit Caffeine and Alcohol: Excessive caffeine and alcohol consumption can contribute to brain fog. Moderation is key.

  7. Check Medications: Some medications can cause cognitive side effects. Discuss any concerns with your healthcare provider.

  8. Stay Organized: Use tools like calendars, to-do lists, and reminders to help you remember tasks and appointments.

  9. Mental Stimulation: Engage in activities that challenge your brain, such as puzzles, reading, or learning something new.

  10. Address Underlying Health Issues: If you suspect an underlying medical condition is causing your brain fog, consult a healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment.

  11. Stay Social: Socializing and spending time with loved ones can improve your mood and cognitive function.

  12. Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness exercises can help you stay focused and reduce mental clutter.

Sound overwhelming?  It need not be. 

Incorporating the FITBRAIN framework can incorporate these and many other healthy brain lifestyle strategies in a system that builds your clarity and mental resilience over time. It is designed to be customized to your unique situation in less than 15 minutes per day. This lifestyle starts where you are now, identifies strengths and weaknesses in the most impactful components, and builds habits in small steps. Using the neuroscience of behavior and habit formation, the likelihood of a sustained practice is much greater than fad approaches that don’t make it past a week or picking a few strategies out of a list of wellness strategies.  

If you really want to break out of your mental fugue and show up as your best self, step into a clear and focused mental state, give this framework a try. I am here to guide you on a journey to more fully discover the hidden potential of your magical mind.

To hear about this system in person, I invite you to attend my workshop in Denver at the Biz + Life Con Summit on October 20, 2023.  There will be two days of incredible content delivered by powerful and wise women in business.  “In its sixth year, the fall event provides peer-to-peer experiential learning, connecting, and a helluva lot of fun!” 

 Click here to register.


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