The eight daily mental activities that optimize mental performance.

Focus and the Attention Triad

Scientists argue that now, more than ever, we must learn to sharpen our focus if we are to survive in a complex world.  Focus is considered the secret to high performance, but is one of the scarcest resources in the modern world.  

This master class delves into the three types of focus needed by high-achievers to succeed in business, the arts, education, and sports. Participants will take that a step further to explore the smart practices to improve focus such as mindfulness and focused preparation to improve habits and sustain excellence.

INVEST in Sleep to Restore the Mind & Body

Without sleep, all else fails.  Scientists have discovered that sleep is an extremely active state required to restore the mind and body.  This master class explains what happens when we snooze and why it is so crucial to wellness and success. 

THINK: The Power of the Inner Mirror 

Have you ever wondered where thoughts come from? 

Understanding the unconscious forces that drive your thoughts and behavior is called metacognition.  Practicing the art of self-awareness or polishing your inner mirror has the power to improve your emotional intelligence.  In this master class discover why thinking about thinking is such a powerful asset.   Participants will explore methods of metacognition to help integrate the brain's daily exposures that will bear fruit in boosted EQ points.

Be Playful

Play does not get enough street cred.  Explore why scientists believe play is an essential mental activity that activates relational circuitry in the brain.  Taking time to play fosters social skills, relationships, adaptability, intelligence, problem solving, and more.  Trying novel experiences is not only fun, but generates brain growth.  Explore how play can uplevel your mind and leave you smiling.


Just Breathe.  Recharging time is necessary to maintain focus.  Balancing goal-oriented activities with downtime allows the mind time to process and integrate information.  The result of time in relaxation is cognitive rhythm.  Explore the world of relaxation as a mind booster and lose the guilt of letting your hair down.

 ACTIVE Exercise

Just Do it!  Our bodies need to move, and scientists say our brains do too.  Exercise is crucial on many levels, but especially for our minds.  Active exercise improve the malleability of the mind and prevents aging and dementia.  It is also key to focus, mood, and attention and relieves stress.  Explore these and many other reasons exercise is a key component to a well-lived life.


Isolation has been one of the most difficult side effects of COVID-19.  Humans are social beings that need to connect with others in order to thrive.  Expanding outside of our personal bubble has many benefits for the mind, not only for social interaction but to expand our horizons into harmony with the greater world of nature.  Explore how interaction feeds the mind and soul, and sharpens our perspective to enhance a host of skills needed in the modern world.


You are what you eat, but has it occurred to you that junk food creates a junkie brain?  What we consume literally is incorporated into the cells and structures of your body.  It is the raw material that makes you, you.  Explore the ideal foods that boost your brain and all the reasons why you should include them in your next grocery cart.