Reflection: 10 benefits of the Ghost of Christmas Past

In my work as a neuroeducator, I come across stories about our miraculous mind that fire my curiosity. Every week, I share my thoughts about how to work smart to amplify your organic potential, develop a growth mindset, and foster your brain health. I hope you enjoy them! (scroll down to read more)

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Self reflection is insightful when assessing your personal and professional growth. 

To reflect effectively requires time, deep thought, and a clear window into your past life.  Memory is fallible. Events can be modified,  perceived differently, and vanish like a morning fog.

And yet, to reflect on your own behavior and thoughts is powerful feedback.

One of the benefits of journaling (or writing) is that you make a habit of consistent reflection in a concrete form.  Think of it like a memoir written by the ghost of Christmas past.  It is an ethereal GPS track of your life once lived.

Last December, I made a pivotal decision to avoid the holiday trap of utter exhaustion and make my brain health a non-negotiable priority.  I was headed to “Destination Burnout” with the ghost of Christmas future.  Responding to a family crisis, I had been pushing myself to an unsustainable and an unwanted future I felt obligated to pursue. 

Shedding the notion that you are the de facto ringmaster of life’s circus can be a challenge.  As the “CEO” of many arenas, it can feel like you are the sole decision maker for responsibilities spanning multiple generations.  Sometimes there is no replacement for you and I wasn’t sure how I would find space for myself.

Surprisingly, it required a simple mindset shift.  

I inverted my typical approach and put my brain health first, before the myriad of responsibilities and then reflected on that daily.  The siren call of life’s distractions was a clanging gong and I wasn’t always successful at tuning them out.  

But, my mindset shift kept me centered and it was far easier than I expected.

The simple decision to put my wellness and mission at the top of my inbox was transformative. 

Adjusting to that was uncomfortable at first, but the last year has been an epic year in the most important arenas.  I have lived more fully this last year, than five years put together.  I made wiser choices that fueled me.

When I looked into the benefits of reflection, it turns out I am not alone in this discovery. The Harvard Business Review conducted a survey of 442 executives on which experiences most advanced their professional development and had the greatest impact on making them better leaders.

The results were full of embarrassing stories and brilliant decisions, but came down to what they learned by reflecting in three circumstances:  surprise, frustration, and failure. 

Reflecting when we experience these sentiments are superfood for the growth mindset.   

According to James R. Bailey, and Hochberg Fellow of Leadership at George Washington University, building a weekly practice of reflection is transformative.

He recommends a few practices to get into the habit of reflection.

  1. Keep a journal (YES!)

  2. Set aside an hour each week to review your notes.

  3. Don’t just re-read your journal entry.  Add to it.  

Why should you spend time in serious thought and consideration?

Here are 10 specific benefits of reflection:

1. Goal Setting and Planning: Reflecting on the past year allows you to assess your achievements and shortcomings. Based on this assessment, you can set realistic goals for the coming year and create a plan to achieve them.

2. Personal Growth:  Understanding your experiences and learning from them contributes to personal growth. Reflecting on challenges and successes helps you identify areas for improvement and development.

3. Increased Self-Awareness: Taking time to reflect enables you to become more self-aware. You can gain insights into your values, strengths, weaknesses, and motivations, leading to better decision-making.

4. Gratitude Practice: Reflecting on positive aspects of the past year fosters a sense of gratitude. Recognizing and appreciating the good moments can enhance overall well-being and happiness.

5. Enhanced Focus: Reflection allows you to prioritize what truly matters to you. By identifying your core values and focusing on them, you can align your actions with your aspirations.

6. Stress Reduction: Understanding the sources of stress and anxiety from the previous year helps in finding coping mechanisms. Reflecting on how to manage stress effectively can contribute to a healthier mindset.

7. Improved Relationships: Reflecting on interactions and relationships can lead to better communication and understanding. You can identify areas for improvement in your connections with others.

8. Adaptability:  Reflection helps you assess how you responded to changes and challenges. This awareness can enhance your adaptability and resilience in the face of uncertainties.

9. Time Management: Evaluating how you spent your time in the past year can highlight areas where you can be more efficient. This insight can lead to better time management practices.

10. Renewed Motivation: Reflecting on your achievements and the progress you've made can reignite your motivation. It reminds you of what you are capable of and encourages you to pursue new challenges.

If we have learned anything as sentient beings, it should be that history helps us avoid mistakes that we should not be doomed to repeat. 

Ultimately, utilizing our human intelligence (HI) in the act of reflection separates extraordinary professionals from mediocre ones, and takes your life from ordinary to extraordinary.   

Give yourself the gift of hindsight as you go into the new year.

What will you learn from your surprises, frustrations, and failures?  

“Like a muscle, your mind needs reflection to re energize and grow stronger. -James R. Bailey

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Explore how creating a neurological feedback loop with proven habit forming techniques can up-level your mental performance without time-consuming demands.  Get the simple basics of how to easily incorporate healthy brain strategies into your daily routine and combat the impact of aging of your mind.


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