Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

New Year-Fresh Opportunity:  How Your Current Habits Impact Aging

These women are both 80. Whether we are intentional or not, we transform. Our bodies mirror our lifestyle habits. Our minds do too, but the impact on our brain is not as visible. Excellent minds are crafted with habits that foster intellect.

The result of the easy path is rarely one we desire. Where we are by the age of 80 is a compilation of over 29,000 days of choices and habits. You have dozens of choices today that will transform you. I encourage you to foster agility for your body and your mind, not fragility.

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

Dragging from Holiday Fatigue? Prioritize your mental health.

Holiday brain drain is real. I love being the one to love, nurture, and create environments of gathering hearts. But, it’s a brand New Year and I almost fell into the holiday trap of utter exhaustion. Why? Because for the last month and a half, I have been the family ringmaster. Prioritize your mental health and change the paradigm.

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

Holiday Music Can be a Grinch for your Productivity

Listening to holiday music on repeat can create mental fatigue. While music is great for retail sales, too much of it can have a detrimental affect on your ability to think. Decrease holiday exhaustion and stress with strategic brain hacks designed to master the distractions and still relish the holidays.

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

Why we must be Brain Sentinels

One of my parents did not survive COVID-19 in 2021. The other is struggling with what scientists now recognize is accelerated brain aging due to the pandemic. And our youth are suffering from brain aging related to the pandemic as well.

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

The Glass Ceiling… still a REALITY for our daughters.

This young lady was inducted into the SAT/ACT Hall of Fame. She is among those who scored 1200 or above on the SAT. According to numerous statistics, she will not have the same opportunities or pay as others who have scored similarly simply because of her gender.

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