The Healing Embrace of Nature: Discovering Mental Restoration in Hawaii's Landscapes
In today’s digital age, where screens dominate our lives and urban landscapes often disconnect us from the earth, rekindling our bond with nature has become more crucial than ever.
From the harmonious calls of wildlife to the deep-rooted cultural practices of the Hawaiians, these natural interactions are not just soothing but are scientifically proven to enhance cognitive function and emotional well-being. Whether you’re a nature enthusiast, a professional seeking solace from the urban rush, or anyone in between, this piece sheds light on practical ways to integrate nature's healing power into your daily life.
The Long Goodbye: Navigating the Rising Threat of Dementia
Dementia is a subject close to our hearts yet often shrouded in uncertainty and fear. With millions worldwide navigating the complexities of this condition - either personally or alongside a loved one - my focus is to shine a light on the path forward, offering hope, knowledge, and actionable insights. This blog is dedicated to my Aunt Jean, who has finally found peace this week after a battle with dementia lasting over a decade.
Leading High Performing Organizations
“The empires of the future are the empires of the mind.”- Winston Churchill
Leaders in the modern business landscape are not just figures of authority but visionaries who understand the intricate dance between strategy and the human element. This blog touches on the five top tips for leading high-performing organizations.
Agile Challenge: Show up, Engage, and Silence your Inner Gremlin
In today's fast-paced world, agility isn't just a nice-to-have; it's a fundamental necessity for both personal and professional growth.
Yet, how often do we find ourselves shackled by the voice in our heads? That pesky gremlin that whispers, "You can't," "You shouldn't," or "What if you fail?"
It's time to mute that voice and amplify our innate potential.
Hydration Hacks: Keeping your Brain at Peak Performance
Why Water Should Be Your Go-To Co-Pilot
🧠 Imagine your brain as the high-powered executive of your body, overseeing countless tasks with precision.
💧 Now, picture water as its indispensable assistant, ensuring everything runs smoothly. Just as a 2% drop in body hydration can lead to a significant decrease in performance in machines, the same applies to our brains - affecting mood, memory, and concentration.
The science of sip: hydration is crucial for maintaining cognitive function, making it easier to switch between roles seamlessly, from a nurturing parent to a sharp-minded professional.
Adopt any or all of the following seven strategies for seamless hydration
You are what you eat, but also how much you Sleep...
Understanding the dance between sleep and what you eat is crucial in choosing what you consume and when. It turns out, that all the effort you put into healthy living may be pillaged by the lack of pillow time.
On a diet? Insufficient sleep will kick your body into survival mode and 70% of those pounds you lose will come from lean muscle, not the fat you are trying to burn.
Sleep and Social Jet Lag
As we approach World Sleep Day on March 15, it's essential to shed light on a phenomenon that affects many of us: social jet lag.
Social jet lag refers to the difference between our internal biological clock and our social or work schedules, similar to the effects of jet lag from traveling across time zones.
Inconsistency in your sleep routine can really throw you for a loop.
Neurodiversity: Celebrating Natural Variations in the Workplace
One of the most powerful attributes of our mind is its uniqueness paired with the innate ability to specialize. Neurodiversity is a concept that celebrates the natural variations in the human brain. Based on the idea of biodiversity, it is recognized that we need diversity in our culture to not only survive, but to thrive. “At its most fundamental level, neurodiversity refers to the diversity in cognition, emotion and sensory perception that we in Psychology would normally term ‘individual differences’.” (Nancy Doyle)
In all honesty, we all are neurodiverse in some way
Boosting Productivity and Beating Burnout with "The Decision Diet"
"The Decision Diet" isn't just a catchy concept; it's a neurologically informed strategy for enhancing productivity and overcoming burnout. By understanding how our brains navigate decisions and implementing a mindful approach to decision-making, we can optimize our cognitive resources, boost our overall well-being, and cultivate a more resilient mindset.
Honor your Inner Valentine
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. - Unknown Author
I have this quote hanging in my kitchen as a reminder. It is so easy to take time and those closest to us for granted, notwithstanding our health.
Give yourself the ultimate valentine's gift of time spent celebrating your own beautiful mind and its ability to connect with those you love.
Your mind is your greatest asset, but it relies on you to utilize it well and make it’s health a priority.
The Mental Bandwidth Shortage
Modern life has taken a toll on our mental bandwidth.
Among other things, the cost of facing so many decisions in daily life has left us on the knife edge of exhaustion. Decision fatigue is common which curtails our ability to plan, set goals, and handle distractions.
On average, an American adult makes 35,000 decisions per day (Sollisch).
That seems impossible, right? But let’s think about this.
Shifting from Goal-Setting to Goal-Achieving
Brainstorm and set goals for the new year…Check!
Create a time management system that organizes your time efficiently…Check!
Factor in knowledge of common brain biases that impact planning…Check!
Now it’s time to get going. But how do I prioritize my actions without overthinking?
How do I narrow down the “all-inclusive” brainstorm list?
Prioritizing Mental Energy Strategically
Prioritizing mental energy is a goal-slaying goldmine.
The excitement and motivation associated with setting new year's resolutions are intoxicating.
So, why do we suddenly feel our momentum slow?
Pursuing those goals becomes more challenging as that rush of dopamine dips, and your motivation dips right along with it. Mental overload is kicking in from the process of planning, which involves making numerous decisions. Given the brain’s innate biases, using effective time management systems to simplify can create sustainable and healthy work practices and diminish mental fatigue.
The scaffold of a resilient system begins with big picture thinking.
Planning Fallacy: what to know about the brain when planning for the year ahead
The New Year is off with a bang, and once again we have a fresh new calendar year ahead. Vision board parties and resolutions are plentiful, but in reality a full 43% of people expect to fail at their New Year’s resolutions before February. As it turns out, only 9% of people succeed with their efforts to start fresh in the New Year.
So, why is it so difficult? Planning fallacy plays a large role.
Time Wealth: the value of effective time management
Time is one of our most valuable assets.
Whether working as your own boss or in a corporate role, strong time management skills make room for time prosperity. As we plan a new year, incorporating the best habit systems can be highly effective.
Reflection: 10 benefits of the Ghost of Christmas Past
Self reflection is insightful when assessing your personal and professional growth.
To reflect effectively requires time, deep thought, and a clear window into your past life. Memory is fallible. Events can be modified, perceived differently, and vanish like a morning fog.
And yet, to reflect on your own behavior and thoughts is powerful feedback.
The Ugly Sweater Conundrum: Think…and communicate before buying gifts during the holidays
Gifts at the holidays are complicated. We have all experienced opening that gift from Aunt Mabel while she beams at you across the room and felt our heart sink as we pull out something we would Never…EVER…have bought for ourselves. Yet we put a smile on our face and thank her for the lovely thought.
So, why do we give gifts?
Ultra-Processed Food is a Bad Buffet for your Mental Health
Most of the “grab-and-go” foods favored by kids, college students, and rushed adults satisfy cravings driven by the ancient brain.
Centuries ago we desperately needed salt, fat, and sweet foods to survive.
They were hard to find, so our instincts drove us to search them out.
Scientific research shows that:
the more processed the food, the greater the risk to your brain and mental health.
Based on an extensive body of evidence, the statistics are staggering.
Double Turkey Dare: 7 gratitude prompts to rewire your mind
Making decisions based in fear is our default setting. The mental practice of gratitude rewires our mind to see potential not threat.
Great! So, why don’t we do it?
While the benefits of an attitude of gratitude are substantial, it takes practice to shift to that mindset. We live in a world full of negativity, bias and tragedy, and it can be a slog to see silver linings when things hit the fan.
Is Gratitude an Attitude, or just a Platitude?
Is the Attitude of Gratitude just a platitude?
A cliché? Or something risque? Is it really worth my time?
When in doubt, my strategy is always to search it out!. Scientific studies suggest that gratitude can improve your sleep, enhance your romantic relationships, protect you from illness, and boost your happiness, among many other benefits.
As a neuro sleuth, I needed to understand why. I zeroed in on the neurobiology of gratitude with a more specific question in mind:
Can our brain activity reveal anything about how gratitude achieves its significant benefits?