Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

Time Wealth: the value of effective time management

Time is one of our most valuable assets.

Whether working as your own boss or in a corporate role, strong time management skills make room for time prosperity. As we plan a new year, incorporating the best habit systems can be highly effective.

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

Reflection: 10 benefits of the Ghost of Christmas Past

Self reflection is insightful when assessing your personal and professional growth.

To reflect effectively requires time, deep thought, and a clear window into your past life. Memory is fallible. Events can be modified, perceived differently, and vanish like a morning fog.

And yet, to reflect on your own behavior and thoughts is powerful feedback.

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

Ultra-Processed Food is a Bad Buffet for your Mental Health

Most of the “grab-and-go” foods favored by kids, college students, and rushed adults satisfy cravings driven by the ancient brain.

Centuries ago we desperately needed salt, fat, and sweet foods to survive.

They were hard to find, so our instincts drove us to search them out.

Scientific research shows that:

the more processed the food, the greater the risk to your brain and mental health.

Based on an extensive body of evidence, the statistics are staggering.

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

Double Turkey Dare: 7 gratitude prompts to rewire your mind

Making decisions based in fear is our default setting. The mental practice of gratitude rewires our mind to see potential not threat.

Great! So, why don’t we do it?

While the benefits of an attitude of gratitude are substantial, it takes practice to shift to that mindset. We live in a world full of negativity, bias and tragedy, and it can be a slog to see silver linings when things hit the fan.

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

Is Gratitude an Attitude, or just a Platitude?

Is the Attitude of Gratitude just a platitude?

A cliché? Or something risque? Is it really worth my time?

When in doubt, my strategy is always to search it out!. Scientific studies suggest that gratitude can improve your sleep, enhance your romantic relationships, protect you from illness, and boost your happiness, among many other benefits.

As a neuro sleuth, I needed to understand why. I zeroed in on the neurobiology of gratitude with a more specific question in mind:

Can our brain activity reveal anything about how gratitude achieves its significant benefits?

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

Mindfulness, Memory and Puzzles

A puzzle lies on the table. Its pieces live with colors and shapes that don’t make sense alone. Placed together they take on new meaning, fitting together as they were meant to all along, in harmony with the world in pieces around them, falling into place as they should.

Memory is like that.

Memory is one of the most mysterious mental activities of the human mind. Memory builds our life’s narrative. It is a story of who we embody each day, what we know, and who we were in the past.

Your legacy is built one memory at a time in a process much like the construction of a puzzle, yet it is never complete.

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

Fueling Wisely: the power of an anti-inflammatory diet

Feel like you are losing your mind at times? You might be.

The truth is that none of us are immune to the effects of stress or aging on our brain. The idea that we can neglect the care of our mental and physical health without negative consequences is without logic. We know this and may fully intend to find time… tomorrow.

“Tomorrow” keeps shifting and our hustle calender just doesn’t have space. Until, burnout finally raises its ugly head and we hit a wall, OR we live on the knife edge of exhaustion, never fully functioning at our best. We push through to the next deadline thinking we will find time after “ Fill-in-the-Blank .”

The good news is, the reverse is also true and we can take steps to improve our brain function and decrease our risk of further cognitive decline. If we are honest, we do have time to take small, strategic steps towards a better brain.

We all eat and drink, and this is a great place to start.

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

Hello again!

Hello again!

The beauty of directing your attention and priming it with curiosity and problem-solving is that answers come.

The thing you need to hear finds your focus.

It has always been there. Unseen. Unheard. Unrecognized.

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

Seven types of exercise to improve productivity for busy professionals

Regular exercise can boost mood, reduce stress, and improve cognitive function, but who has time?

This, my friends, is a massive error in perspective.

We know that sitting behind a desk all day negatively impacts our mental clarity and overall well-being. It is mentally exhausting, which makes it harder to concentrate, make decisions, and think clearly.

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

Unleash your Inner Child to Re-Ignite Your Fire

Have you lost your sense of wonder?

Play is not just for children; it can also have significant benefits for adults, including professionals. Forgoing play might actually hinder your mental performance and love for life.

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

The Unconscious Executive: the unseen work of your mind

Most of our problem-solving is done in the deep.

Surprisingly, 90-98% of our mind operates in the unconscious realm.

I routinely use art, nature, and the writings of thinkers I admire to inspire deep thought; to delve into the realms of my mind in shadow.

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

Navigating Jet Lag for Professionals

Many professionals are drawn by the lure of travel, imagining jet-setting around the world with designer luggage and seeing all the world’s greatest monuments. The reality is quite different.

Travel is grueling. It is hard on your mind and body primarily because it disrupts your biological clock.

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

15 Tips to Design an Ideal Work Environment for your Inner Executive

Your work environment has a tremendous impact on your ability to focus. Understanding the neuroscience of focus can be incredibly valuable for remote workers or a solopreneur running their own business. Focus is essential for productivity, decision-making, and achieving your business goals. So how can you unleash optimal focus?

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

Does your brain take vacation days?

The mind is a powerhouse. So why does it feel like your brain has taken a sabbatical?

Your amazing brain is made of approximately “100 billion microscopic cells called neurons—so many it would take you over 3,000 years to count them all. Whenever you dream, laugh, think, see, or move, it's because tiny chemical and electrical signals are racing between these neurons along billions of tiny neuron highways.”

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

The Brilliance of Pets for our Minds

In the week following International Dog Day, I have been reflecting on our interaction with the world outside ourselves. Emotional intelligence is a key factor in professional and personal success, but I am not sure we give our pets credit for the role they play in our mental and social health.

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

Apocalypse!  The End of the World is Near?

Have you ever wondered why so many people have a fascination with the apocalypse?

I believe our real concern lies in whether we are mature enough to save ourselves from ourselves.

When faced with an interesting question, like most modern humans, I decided to Google it. I got over 14 million results. Humankind is literally obsessed with the end of the world. Being forever curious, I delved deeper into this phenomenon.

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

Big Life Lesson on my To-do NOW List

In our complex world, nothing is uncomplicated.

To-do lists are a godsend in a sea of overwhelming tasks. We all prioritize differently but often the most important things take a back seat to the squeaky wheel issues of the day.

I wanted to share a big life lesson intended to remind you not to neglect your foundational life and death TO-DOs. Your family's well-being and even your dog's may depend on it.

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

Leveraging Dreams:  Paradox or Possibility?

Most of us use the term “dreams” to describe something we aspire to. 

Scientists refer to dreams as a succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep. 

This seemingly absurd contradiction isn’t as far-fetched as it may sound.  Dreams are instrumental in integrating our experiences, thoughts, and memories and may have more potential to open our minds to possibilities and epiphanies.  

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Neeli Clute Neeli Clute

How Red Rocks Concerts Boost the Brain

Activity boosts your brain power and music activates almost the entire brain.

Feeling the wind dance through Red Rocks Amphitheater while listening to Alison Krauss scale the siren chorus of Fortune Teller was an experience that went deep into the soul. That may sound like wacky woo woo fluff, but research consistently finds cognitive benefits from interacting with nature and the arts, including music. The compound effect of both together has drawn crowds for over 90 years to see legendary musicians of all genres.

Why is music so good for the brain?

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